钻镗孔机适用于非承压管道及钢板现场钻镗孔的专用设备。采用拉伸式链条锁紧定位,安装管道外壁,任意位置和角度均可操作。配备大功率电机,动力强劲,输出扭矩大,满足厚壁管的开孔需求。体积小重量轻,操作简便,适用用于工业锅炉,制药机械,太阳能,给排水,化学工程,核电等行业管道开分支,管路改造过程中的开孔作业 。
1 、用于现场钻孔或镗孔加工;
2 、装夹快捷 ,使用方便;
3 、主机轻便 ,适合现场施工;
4 、机体结构稳固 ,刚性强 ,加工孔径范围大;
5 、用途广泛 ,可用于疏气疏水支管的添加 ,锈死螺栓的镗除 ,高压汽包侧管 的维修 ,热电偶套管的更换等工作;
6 、特殊导轨设计 ,既能承受重载 ,又能保证加工精度;
7 、可以使用ISO扩展轴及钻孔工具;
8 、标准手动进给;
9 、电动 、气动或液压驱动均可使用 。
1. For on-site drilling or pupil machining;
2. Fast installation, easy to use;
3. The host is lightweight and suitable for on-site construction;
4. The body structure is stable, rigid and has a large processing aperture range;
5. It is widely used, can be used for the addition of hydrophobic hydrophobic branch, removal of bolts, maintenance of high-pressure steam bag side tube, replacement of thermocouple casing straps and other work ;
7. ISO extension shafts and drilling tools can be used;
8. Standard manual feed;
9. Electric, pneumatic or hydraulic drives can be used.